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BITFARMS IS a mining company based near Montreal in Canada’s Quebec province. Mining has a long history in this area. Quebec is the world’s second-biggest producer of niobium, an important ingredient in steel alloys, and the third-largest of titanium dioxide, used in products from spacecraft to toothpaste.


Bitfarms, though, is a post-industrial sort of mining firm. Its racks of humming computers, crunching through zillions of cryptographic calculations every second, are designed to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The location of Bitfarms is no accident. In 2016 Hydro-Quebec, the local electricity company, found itself flush with relatively cheap hydro-electricity and said it wanted to attract data centres like those run by Facebook or Google. That sparked a cryptocurrency gold rush.

不过,比特农场(Bitfarms)是一家后工业时代的挖矿企业。机架放上的计算机嗡嗡作响,每秒处理巨量的加密运算,主要用于挖比特币和其他一些加密货币。这家公司的选址并非偶然。2016年,当地的电力企业魁北克水电(Hydro-Quebec)发现拥有相对廉价的水电资源,表示有意引进Facebook 或 Google等企业的数据中心。此举引发了加密货币的淘金热潮。

Alex de Vries, an analyst at PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, helps to run a site called Digiconomist which keeps track of this business. He reckons that its total global revenues from such mining, even after bitcoin’s fall from its peak in 2017, are around $4.5bn a year, mostly shared among a handful of Chinese firms that now dominate the crypto-currency mining business.

咨询机构普华永道的分析师亚历克斯·德·弗里斯(Alex de Vries)协助运营一家跟踪这一行业状况的网站Digiconomist。他估计,即便在比特币从2017年的峰值下跌之后,挖矿业的一年的全球营收也在45亿美元左右,其中大部分集中在目前主导加密货币采矿业务的少数几家中国企业手中。

The most striking statistic is the sheer amount of electricity needed to run the system. Mr de Vries estimates that bitcoin mining consumes at least 22 terawatt hours of electricity a year, and probably as much as 73TWh, roughly the same amount as Austria does. Ethereum, the second-most-popular cryptocurrency, eats up a further 21TWh.


This phenomenal energy hunger is implicit in the nature of cryptocurrency mining. Miners are responsible for maintaining the blockchain, but anybody can set themselves up as one, so there needs to be a way to deter frivolous or malicious operators. In bitcoin’s “proof of work” system, miners demonstrate their commitment by using computer power (and therefore electricity) to supply the answer to a mathematical puzzle. Whoever solves it first is rewarded with some newly minted bitcoin.


The result is a Red Queen’s race, where miners must run just to stand still. The best way of winning is to buy ever more and ever faster computers to solve the puzzles. But the system is designed to be self-adjusting, to keep the average rate at which new blocks are generated at one every ten minutes. The more computer power miners throw at the problem, the harder the task becomes. In the long run, says Mr de Vries, the cost of mining a block should tend towards the real-world value of the 12.5 bitcoin reward. At current prices that is about $80,000, which buys a lot of electricity.


The reward money has created an entire industry. In the early days most mining was done by individuals on home computers, but it soon moved to more efficient computer-graphics chips. Now it is done in vast data centres full of chips so specialised they can do nothing else.


The biggest mining company, Bitmain, founded in 2013, is privately held, so numbers are hard to come by, but according to one estimate from Bernstein, a Wall Street research firm, Bitmain may have made a profit of $3bn-4bn last year. It is planning to float on the stockmarket before the end of this year.


The dominance of a few big firms in mining worries many crypto fans. They are aware that anyone who controls more than half the total mining capacity in a cryptocurrency is able to manipulate its blockchain, a so-called “51% attack”. Several smaller cryptocurrencies have already fallen victim to such attacks.


For most outsiders, the bigger worry is the current system’s voracious power consumption. After its initial enthusiasm, Hydro-Quebec was so overwhelmed that it has had to call a moratorium on new applications for cryptocurrency mining. It is unclear where most mining operations obtain their electricity. But the biggest cryptocurrency farms are in China, where most of the electricity is generated by dirty coal-fired power stations.


Mindful of such concerns, some cryptocurrency developers are looking for alternative ways to secure their products, but there is little agreement on how to do it. The most popular idea is a “proof of stake” system, in which a miner’s chance of being able to add a block depends on how much of the cryptocurrency he already owns, removing the need for elaborate power-hungry calculations. But giving yet more currency to those that have the most has a whiff of plutocracy about it, and many users object.


Even the miners themselves are making contingency plans. Bitmain, for instance, is planning to diversify by launching a new series of chips designed for machine learning. Bitfarms says that bitcoin mining is merely a transient project to fund its longer-term goal: enabling business applications for the blockchains that underlie cryptocurrencies.


















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